We are so excited to welcome staff back to the building tomorrow!!!
We can't wait to Warrior Up for
SY 24-25!
ALL students.
ALL Day.
ALL in.
#Warriorize 💙💛
Please support Pocomoke Soccer by attending the boys' car wash!!
Pocomoke community, let's give a shout-out to these incredible custodians. This team worked tirelessly over the summer to make our grounds, hallways, classrooms and more, BEAUTIFUL for our staff and students. We are so grateful for this amazing crew. 💙💛💙💛
It was a great day seeing our amazing students and families. We love our community and can't wait welcome our students back soon! 💙💛#WeArePocomoke #BackToSchool
Families, meet us at the locations and times below!!! 💙💛
Worcester County Public Schools is a proud supporter of the United Way of the Lower Eastern Shore. Thank you to UWLES for recognizing the philanthropic efforts of our schools at today's #WCPSBoardMeeting. #WeAreWorcester #PartnershipsInAction
Our first Senior Warrior Day is well-attended this morning! Seniors and families, if you didn't make it to our morning session, please join our next session at 12:00 today!!! 💙💛 #ClassOf2025 #SeniorWarriorDay #TheFutureIsBright
✨We can't wait to celebrate our AP Scholars! ✨We doubled our AP enrollment and increased our AP proficiency. We have over 54 yard signs to give! Congratulations scholars! We can't wait to celebrate you. 🎉💙💛
📚It's that time again!!!📓
Pocomoke area schools will be traveling with admin and new teachers according to the schedule below. We can't wait to see our students!!! #WeArePocomoke #CommunitySchools 💙💛
Let's GO!!! #FallSports #WarriorNation 💙💛
Worcester families, get a jump on your Back-to-School packets by completing your forms online using the PowerSchool Parent Portal – available now! Simply visit https://worcesterk12.powerschool.com/ to log-in and get started.
Forgot your password or new to Parent Portal? Contact your child’s school for assistance.
Student Athletes & Coaches: Join Us on August 22, at Stephen Decatur High School for an important presentation on physical and mental health for student athletes. We hope to see you there! #WeAreWorcester
We are making room for Class of 2024 banners. Please pick up any banners from class of 2022 and 2023 at the PHS main office by Friday August 16.
Time for Back-to-School shopping! Families can get ready and take advantage of #ShopMDTaxFree Week now through August 17 and save on clothing and footwear priced at $100 or less and the first $40 of a backpack! #WeAreWorcester #BackToSchool #WelcomeBackWorcester
Attention new warriors...please put this important date on your calendars! Please contact our front office if transportation is needed. We need ALL new warriors and guardians in attendance so that every student is set up for success. 💪🏽👏💙💛
Just a reminder Senior Warrior Day will be held on August 20th. Seniors & families are welcome to choose either session- 9am or 12pm!
Lets kick-start your senior year!!!
Access to college & military recruiters, local businesses, order cap & gown and more.
Pocomoke High School students and families, we can't wait to 👀 you on Thursday evening, August 29th! 🎉
Also, stay tuned for our Pocomoke Area Schools Community Event in October! 🙌🏽💙💛#WeArePocomoke #PocomokeProud
Please consider donating school supplies to benefit Pocomoke families. Any donation can be dropped off at PHS. Thank you for supporting Pocomoke students!
We couldn't be more proud of these incredible future educators. They attended 3 weeks of UMES's High School Teacher University and came away with new friends, college experience, and 3 college credits. The future of education is bright.
We're so proud to be a part of the ribbon cutting at the Stephen Handy Long Memorial Park this morning. What a joy to see this beautiful facility available to the Pocomoke community. (Spoiler Alert: This adorable girl’s shot was a swoosh!) #WeAreWorcester #PartnershipsInAction