Congratulations Class of 2025 on completing the SAT! We are so proud of your hard work. Your use of time and notepaper was off the charts. Rest up tonight- you deserve it! Stay tuned for a make-up date. 💙💛
FBLA National Competition, Orlando, we come!!! Fiona Guo and Jocelyn Roytas will be representing PHS at the National Competition! There are chances to win money and scholarships at this National level. Congratulations, ladies!!! We are proud of you! 💙💛
With spring break around the corner, it's time to nominate a deserving staff member for March. Please use the qr code or link to complete your nomination for staff of the month. Be sure to tell us why you think this staff member is special.
Tomorrow is the big day! Juniors, get plenty of rest tonight and be sure to eat breakfast tomorrow morning. Testing will start at 8:00, so arrive on time. GOOD LUCK! 💙💛
Pocomoke High School's Marine Corps Junior ROTC hosted the Worcester County JROTC Military Ball. What an incredible evening of great food, friendship, fun, and dancing!
Fiona gave an excellent performance at the Baltimore Museum of the Arts!
While she wasn't the winner of Poetry Out Loud, we were able to celebrate Madison who is part of our region, and a friend.
We are proud of you Fiona! 💙💛
All ready to watch Fiona perform at States! The Baltimore Museum of Art is such beautiful venue. Let's go!!! #PoetryOutLoud #WeArePocomoke
Rising Warrior Night and Community Tribe Time was a huge success! We loved seeing our rising warriors and families, our current students and families as well as our wonderful community partners! #BlessedAtPHS #RisingWarriorNight 💙💛
Session 3 of our Afterschool Academy will start on Tuesday, April 2. Please see the flyer or use the link to register. We can't wait to have you join us.
Equitable access and equal opportunities = game changing student outcomes. #PocomokeStudentsRock
#DiversityIsBeautiful #WeArePocomoke #CommunitySchools
Two members of the PHS Student Innovation Team went to the Eastern Shore High School Computer Programming Competition at SU. Chris Villarreal won first in the individual competition with a perfect score. Chris and Joey Peloquin won second place for the team competition 💙💛
Job embedded professional development is the BEST, especially when you have such talented instructional staff. Our teachers commitment to excellence is 🔥. What better folks to learn from than one another!?!? ⭐️👏💙💛
#WeArePocomoke #BlessedAtPHS #TeacherPD
Please join our student-led group LEAD (Leadership, Education, and Acceptance of Differently-Abled) in our 1st Annual Exceptional Ability Spirit Week to raise awareness and acceptance of those with exceptional abilities! 3/18-3/22.
Power of the Profession: We Change Lives 🫶🏼
Teach Maryland Conference 2024 🍎#FutureEducators #WeArePocomoke #WeAreWorcester
Families, please save the date for this important informational session at Pocomoke Middle School.
What a joy to present a Challenge Coin to Danylo P. at PHS today. A Ukrainian refugee, Danylo has quickly become part of the PHS family, and shows his peers that success is possible even amid significant life changes & challenges. Congratulations! -LT
ATTENTION JUNIORS - SAT bootcamp is this Wednesday from 12:00-3:00. Join us for test taking strategies, practice tests, and help from teachers. Register through the QR code or link.
Don't Forget: Tonight kicks off the first of three regional information sessions on WCPS' implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future. Come out and learn about the Blueprint and give us feedback on the progress we have made.
Come out to one of our regional information sessions to learn more about the Blueprint for Maryland's Future & WCPS' implementation of this landmark legislation.
Pocomoke Area: March 11, 5:30 PM @ Pocomoke High School
Berlin/Ocean City Area: March 12, 6:00 p.m. @ Showell Elementary School
Snow Hill Area: March 20, 5:30 p.m. @ Snow Hill High School
Families, Thursday, March 14th is a big night! 💙💛💙💛
Cadet Captain Shay did an excellent job leading the class in how to correctly roll blouse sleeves.
Our students consistently show leadership skills throughout our school community and we are so proud. Strong work, cadets! #BlessedAtPHS